Deviled Eggs
Categories: In Rotation, Sides

6 hard boiled eggs
2 Tablespoons mayonnaise
3/4 tsp. Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
salt & pepper to taste
paprika for garnish

Cut each egg in half and carefully scoop out the yolk. Mash yolks and remaining ingredients together to make a paste. Whether to make it completely smooth, or leave small lumps is a matter of personal taste. If you’re in the smooth camp, you can make the egg yolk mixture in a food processor. Once you’ve finished the egg yolk mixture, it’s time to carefully spoon it back into the egg white. For more decorative eggs you can put the egg yolk mixture in a pastry bag and pipe it back into the white. Sprinkle with a little paprika for color and flavor. How do you keep your egg yolks from turning green? Place eggs in a sauce pan over moderate heat with enough cool water to generously cover the eggs. Cook eggs for 16 minutes only counting after the water starts to boil (13 minutes if the eggs were not refrigerated). As soon as the eggs are done cooking, plunge them into a bowl of icewater. This stops green-inducing over-cooking.

A conservative Deviled Egg recipe.

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