I did not realize a job could be so important, that a job could be such a part of your identity that its loss meant you had nothing left.  But there it was.  Greg was dead.

Allen loves to point out that they got engaged on a 727, and they got married on 7/27.  Coincidence?

“This house is giving away toys!” 

Living in Los Angeles, you have many opportunities to participate in the making of movies, TV shows, and commercials.

1984 Olympics and The Los Angeles Marathon

How to embarrass yourself when travelling by air.

“She’ll never know the difference.”

Boyfriend hides in car while girlfriend is chased by German Shepard.

Tippi Hedron and Steven Segal.  I’m just name dropping but they really are part of the story. Tippi Hedron was an actress in Hitchcock’s “The Birds”.  Once retired from acting, she established a big cat sanctuary just north of Angeles National Forest outside of L.A.  The sanctuary cares for lions and tigers mostly.  Those that […]

I was smart in 1972.

Culture Shock: Sweden.

For years, Nick and my New Year’s tradition included volunteering to help decorate a Rose Parade float in the days ahead of the parade.