From Mark Cohen
Potatoes (about 10 medium to large size potatoes to one onion)
Onions 1/4 lb butter (might use a little but don’t need more than this)
Salt Seasoning Mix (any kind)
Pepper Seasoning Mix (any kind)
Garlic Powder or Garlic Salt or Minced Garlic. (I wouldn’t use fresh garlic for this)
Aluminum foil – Large roll is best. Large enough to wrap up the potatoes.
Cut up potatoes and onions. Put into center of large aluminum foil. Cut butter into 4 pieces and place on top of potatoes and onions. Add salt seasoning, pepper seasoning, and Garlic powder on top . Wrap up potatoes and pinch the foil together on top so potatoes become sealed. Place on BBQ grill. Takes around 30 minutes to cook, usually put on a bit earlier than meat.
Serves 10
15 minutes
30 minutes