Repairing the Hutch in the dining room is like many projects in our old house. It is on the list, but not urgent. The structural and mechanical work, such as replacing leaky roofs and pipes and repairing crumbling foundations and electrical systems, usually get priority. The hutch needs some drawers repaired but most visibly, the […]

How did she get so dirty? And why is she smiling?

Not only do I manage to be out of town at the most convenient moment to dodge household crises, I am married to Carrie who appears to relish any and all new challenges our 85 year-old house throws at us.

With such big repairs as fixing the roof and foundation looming ahead of us, I was surprised at how much satisfaction was derived from replacing the water heater blanket this weekend. You may have read or heard my complaints about how the previous owners of our house were amateurish and/or inept in so many of […]

This is a bad thing on so many levels. It is hard to look manly when you are running screaming through the house, slapping yourself. If you think it pisses Carrie off when I work on the house wiring without shutting off the electricity, you should see her reaction when the sparks from the resulting […]